This contract is between Lone Elk RV Storage hereinafter called LERS and who owns and/or stores at 395 South Garland Prairie Road, Williams, AZ 86046. I agree to lease 1 space for the purpose of storing an RV.
The rate for the RV storage shall be $100.00/month with 6 months paid up front. The LESSEE hereby acknowledges the LERS shall include said RV Storage rent on the invoices sent each month. The rent shall be due on the first of the month. There shall be a late charge of $25.00 due to LERS on any RV Storage Rent not paid within 10 days of the due date stated on the invoice. If the LESSEE does not pay the RV Space rent for 3 consecutive months, LERS shall consider the property "ABANDONED". LERS shall tow the vehicle pursuant to local Arizona Professional Towing & Recovery Association (APTRA).
LESSEE shall at their own expense obtain and maintain current insurance to the extent of at least 100% of the actual cash value of their vehicle stored in the RV storage area.
LESSEE acknowledges no one is present in the RV Storage area and LESSEE acknowledges that any personal property stored by the LESSEE shall be at the LESSEE's sole risk. LERS, it's agents and employees shall not be liable to the LESSEE for any damage to, or loss of any personal property while stored in the RV storage area arising from any cause whatsoever. LERS, its agents and employees shall not be liable to LESSEE for injury or death as a result of LESSEE's use of the RV storage area. LESSEE expressly waives and releases LERS from any such claims. LESSEE will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend LERS, its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action that are brought by others arising out of the LESSEE's use of the RV Storage area.
LESSEE shall in no event store any materials in the RV storage area classified as explosive, hazardous or toxic under any local, State or Federal Law or regulation. LESSEE will keep the RV storage area free from any rubbish, obstacles and nuisances. LESSEE shall not use the storage space for any unlawful purpose, conduct any type of business from, reside/camp or live in said storage space. LESSEE agrees not to alter or destroy the storage space in any way and agrees to reimburse LERS for damage caused by negligence or fault of LESSEE.
LESSEE may cancel this agreement by giving LERS 30 days advanced notice. Upon termination of this agreement, LESSEE shall return any and all keys to the RV Storage area, remove their RV from RV storage area and surrender the storage space to LERS in a clean and reasonable condition, and if not, agrees to reimburse LERS for any expenses incurred to clean said storage space. LESSEE shall not be entitled to assign this contract or sublease any portion of their storage space.
All terms of this agreement are subject to change upon thirty (30) days prior written notice.